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Have you seen people training with a personal trainer
and wondered what it is all about?

"Having joined the gym in August 2007 and not having done any exercising for over six years , I found it very hard to motivate myself to keep coming to the gym or exercise class. Besides being 20 kilograms over-weight, suffering from lower back pain due to weak back muscles as well as asthma, I was also planning to get married in September 2008. In a final attempt to get into shape and staying there, I decided to find myself a personal trainer. I first met Karen in January 2009 – and it was the best thing I could have done! Through her training and guidance as well changing my diet and eating healthy, I have lost weight in a safe and sustainable way: my fat percentage has decreased by 10% and I have gone down two dress sizes within a year. Having 1 session a week and following her training program in my own time, Karen helped me to slowly build up my core strength and to improve my lung capacity significantly. As a result, the problems with my back have gone and breathing difficulties during exercises and activities like running have greatly reduced, improving my quality of life and making me feel much more confident in what I can achieve.

Training with Karen has been great because she has kept me motivated and pushed me to take on more, to challenge myself without going too far. She always managed to struck the right balance and I cannot recommend her highly enough. Through her diverse and tailored training, commitment, patience and encouragement, I have learned to be determined and to appreciate what my body and mind is capable of."
Susanne Ohmann

"I joined a gym 3 ½ months ago after never having done any exercise before. I thought it would be just another membership that I have signed up many times before, gone for a maximum of 2 weeks then quit. This time 3 ½ months later I am still there and I give all the credit to my personal trainer. With here motivation on a daily basis I’ve lost 7kg in weight and 8% body fat"

"We joined the gym about 3 months ago and were very enthusiastic for the first week or so but then after that we went down to going only once a week for about 45mins or so. We then decided to opt for a personal trainer and were assigned to Karen. I never thought we would look forward to going to the gym, but after the 1st week with our trainer it was a pleasure to go. After 3 weeks we lost 3kg(Charlene) and 3.5kg(Claudia) and our body fat decreased by 2-3%. In just a few weeks training with Karen we saw our hard work pay off: our muscles grew and we could start seeing definition"
Charlene and Claudia

"There were times when I could not go on but with Karen’s help and encouragement I am now in the gym training daily .I did not think this was possible but with a trainer who has so much faith in me, I can already feel the difference in my body. If a person needs to be pushed harder and lacks confidence in themselves, a personal trainer’s dedication and encouragement will be your stepping stone to success"


© karen morison fitness 2013 | Personal trainer Bournemouth | design: brighteyesdesign.co.uk